Therapy Process

Overview of the Stages in Therapy

Starting therapy can be daunting, strange and/or uncomfortable to some, especially if this is your first time. It is not an easy process for most. However, I have observed that most clients develop a sense of comfort with the process as the sessions progress.
Here's a brief overview of the process-

Step 1: Initial consultation

Before we begin with actual sessions, we will have a brief chat to get to know each other a little. During this call, I hope to understand your concerns and what you'd like to work on in therapy. It also allows me to decide if this is within my area of expertise and, for both of us to to decide if we'd be a good fit to work together. This call typically lasts for 10-15 minutes and is free of charge.

Step 2: Intake & contract Form

If we decide to work together, I will send a form that describes all the session details such as fee, duration of session, guidelines etc. Most of which would have been discussed in the initial consultation call. It also has a section to fill in your basic information. Signing the form is an agreement between us that we've understood the requirements and agree to work together.

Step 3: First few sessions

After mutually deciding on a day and time for the session, we will meet online on Zoom or Google Meet. Usually, the first few sessions are where we set the context for your concerns and, I get to understand you and your background. This is also when we will work together to establish a relationship of trust and create a safe space for you to share your thoughts/feelings.

Step 4: Ongoing sessions

The duration and frequency of the sessions will vary for clients and their concerns. I may introduce some T.A (or other) concepts or use certain techniques whenever relevant. Every few sessions, we will assess our progress and see if anything needs to change. Regardless, the therapy process requires effort from both you and me.

Step 5: Termination

Once you feel ready to end therapy and we've addressed your concerns, we will close our therapeutic relationship. We may develop a plan for transition and follow-up if necessary. This will vary from client to client.